Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy 12th!

Last month was my sons' 12th birthday! Awww my little man isn't such a little man anymore. I swear kids grow up too soon! I want them to stay little for a long while. ; )

We asked him what he wanted to do, but told him that we couldn't do too much because things are not the same (money wise) like last year. So he, being the big "adult" boy that he is becoming, said he'll just have friends over and have pizza so we wouldn't spend too much.
I am so proud of him. He'll grow up to be a very understanding man. I know he will.
Anyways he had his usual group of friends over and they had a blast. Played games, Wii, Gameboy etc. They pretty much tore up the house! not literally but almost!  What would you expect from a bunch of 11 and 12 year olds?
All the boys slept over too. Yeah pretty full house. But they enjoyed themselves. I'm glad that they did. I'm glad my son is growing up to be a sometimes responsible man and one day be a very great adult.

We love you Nilun! 
 Nilun wanted cookie cake. He was never the one to be like everyone else with the normal birthday cake. But that's ok with me. It's his day! And it was cheaper too.
 Aww look at my big boy! He's growing up nicely. Such a cute and handsome young man. Now ladies, hold your drools, he's not ready to date yet. But when he does - get in line. Just kidding. Happy 12th birthday baby!

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