Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Walk for Breast Cancer

A few weeks ago a few friends of mine and I did the Walk for Cancer. I was a little nervous about doing it, because well - it was to be 5 miles and i hadn't exercise or wasn't even active for years. So i was a little hesitant but i'm glad i did it. It turned out to be only 3 miles! Yay!!!

And it was really fun... I wasn't even tired at all. I still got it in  me! lol
After our walk we headed out to lunch and it totally had slipped my mind that they had the Asian Festival going on downtown too. So after lunch we walked around the festival a bit, wheeling and dealing with a few merchants....Yep that's how us Asians do it. :)
It was fun to spend some time with dear friends....especially eating and shopping!
Got home and took Naree to our town's carnival. I know, i did a lot of walking that day, but i had a blast. And to be honest it wasn't even that bad. My feet hurt a bit later when i was ready to go to bed but not as bad as i had thought it would be.
Yep it proves it...... I STILL GOT IT IN ME! Now who says I'm an old lady? lol

We saw this guy and had to stop to take pictures with him. :)
Yay Tina you made it! This girl is a tough cookie. She wasn't feeling well that day, shes actually wasn't feeling well for a few days prior to that but she still went AND finished the walk. Okay so she cheated and cut through a street but she wasn't feeling good. We'll give her that excuse! lol

What a fun and great way to spend the day with some friends!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy 13th!

Nilun celebrated his 13th birthday just a few weeks ago. I know i'm a little late on posting, been super busy.

I'm so happy I have a wonderful and caring son {most of the time! : ) } I kid......
He is the goofiest kid you'll know! I promise...
I love him with all my heart and I'm so happy that i get him as a son....

My little man is a teen now! Yikes, time sure flies doesn't it? I just hope that no matter how old he is. He'll stay give this old lady a hug and tell her he loves her once in a while. And for him to always be the kind, gentle, goofy, and wonderful kid that he is always.

Love mom!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I woken up to find a sweet girl standing by my bed with a tray of a bowl of beef soup and a nice cold glass of my fave Guava Mango juice. Once i opened my sleepy eyes wide enough, she said "Happy Mother's Day mommy!"

What a way to wake up huh? Don't I have the best daughter ever? We were suppose to go to church but we woke up kinda late. That's what happens when we go out to a wedding the night before! Slept pretty late.
My son was still sleeping when Naree was in my room. He's just like his mommy! :)
If Naree hadn't woke me up, I'd still be asleep.......
She is such a wonderful and thoughtful girl. How did i get so lucky?

I had some of the soup, even though i hadn't washed my face or brush my teeth yet. It was actually pretty good, considering it was a canned soup. :) I'm not in love with canned soup.
So i had a bit and then shared some with Naree. When Nilun got up he said "happy mother's day mom"......
My boy is just like his daddy, he doesn't think too much of these things.....maybe because he knows I am special to him anyways, not just on Mother's Day.
You know, us girls, we are just more sentimental than the boys. :)

My mom picked us up and the kids and I went grocery shopping with her and then went back to her place and my sister and her daughter joined us. We had a little BBQ with mom and just spent the day with her.
Where was dad and hubby? Welll.....they went golfing. I did say boys are not as sentimental as we are right?
As long as i got to spend it with my mom i'm fine.

Lien did give me a kiss and wished me "happy mother's day" before he headed off for Golf. Guess gotta give him credit for that.

I am so thankful for such a wonderful mother. My mom is always thoughtful, and mindful of people's feeling. She is always there for us when ever we need her. She has sacrificed so much for us girls.
I remember one time, back when i was pretty young. Mom was really really sick...... She had the worst Flu ever. Chills and body aches. She was literally on the couch shivering and had blankets covering her. But mom still got up to cook for us, making sure we had something to eat. She still got up every morning - even when her body felt like it was falling apart - just so she could make the money to buy us the food. She never quit, never gave up and never once said she had had enough. She pushed herself to her limits. We really wish she didn't have to do that. But I now understand why she did. She did all that because she LOVE us, she wanted the best for us. She sacrificed her own health just so her kids could have food. She worked two jobs just to raised us.
I always loved and cherished my mom. I appreciated everything she did for us and i know and understand my mother's love, even way before i married. But now that I'm a mother myself.......... I now KNOW and UNDERSTAND her sacrifices she made for us.
Being a mother is the best job and present in the world. Nothing in this life is better than being a mother. I am so glad that I am a mother to two wonderful caring kids. I only hope that one day when my daughter is ready, that she will grow up to be a wonderful and caring mother just like her grandmother. And I hope that when my son is ready, that he will find a wonderful and caring wife just like his mom and grandmother.

I will forever cherish every moment i spend with my mom. Because she is the ONLY woman who will love me unconditionally. She is and will be the only one who will be here for me when I'm down. She will pick me up when i fall. She will guide me when i'm lost. She will love me when I'm sad. She is the one who has mold me to be who i am today and who i will continue to be tomorrow. She has taught me about sacrifice. She will cure me when I'm sick. She is the only woman who will forever be in my heart.

I hope that i will/can be just a great of a mom to my kids as she is to me. 

I love you mom!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Photo Challenge

A picture of your favorite memory.

The day Nilun was born! The day my first child was born. The day my life would change forever....5/16/98
This was the day I became a mother. Someone a little child would depend on for the rest of his life. Being a mother has really made me realize how much love i could give and need in return.

 Second memory is the day my second child was born. The day a little girl made our family complete! 1/2/01...

I just can not pick one good memory. I have many but these two would be my most memorable memory that i will carry to my grave and beyond.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Photo Challenge

A picture of your typical night.

Well my 'typical' night doesn't have a picture. It's usually me trying to figure out what to cook and then cooking and getting the kids and Lien to sit down to eat, get the kids to bed and then getting Lien to bed. Then i get some 'me' time to do whatever and it's usually on the net. I spend a few hours on it, depending on how tired i am.

Some days it's more hectic than usual, what with the kids soccer and/or basketball. Depending on which season we are on. :)
Fall and Spring is Soccer for Nilun and Naree. Winter is Basketball for Nilun.