Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Amigas and fajitas!

A few weeks ago a good friend of mine came back to town for her sisters' graduation so a group of us decided to go out for some girls' night. We were looking forward to it for about a whole 2 weeks so i was super excited to finally get to go out with my girlfriends since it's been a while since we all got together, what with our busy lives and all! 
We decided to go for some Chinese but plans kinda got a little screwed (we won't talk about it here- it'd ruined the fun! ) So the plan went to Mexican, which is a definite good idea in the end. It's been a long, long, long while since i've had Mexican. I had the Spicy Seafood fajitas and oh wow, it was so yummy!!! I loved it! And now I have a craving for it.
The night was definitely a memorable one. We had tons of fun laughing, joking and just enjoying each others' company. We were missing one, which is kinda sad, but oh well, right? We can't please everyone. 
It's so nice to get to hang out with your girlfriends every once in a while. I sure hope we get more of those days. 
We had the best Mexican food ever! Sorry forgot what the name of it was. It's in Mayfield off of Mayfield Rd. It was so nice to get to talk and just enjoy ourselves. With our busy lives sometimes we forget to call our friends and say hello. I hope we will never forget to have these days. We don't have to have a whole conversation. A call to just say hi is good enough for me.
Tina is such a sweet and thoughtful friend. She surprised us with this cake. Most of our birthdays all pretty much fall close to each other and we didn't get to celebrate it together this year so i guess she took advantage of the situation. How thoughtful of you Tina! 
As you can see this cake is for 3.. But the middle one didn't show up. Like i said (we will not mention the story) She was missed but it still turned out to be an awesome night! 
Tina had the waiter bring out the sombreros for me and Margie. It was sweet of her but kinda embarrassing for us. Don't we look good? ; ) Thanks Tina!!!
 Margie and I blowing out our cake! How fun!  
 The 4 of us at Tinas' house getting ready to have our cake! 
We went back to Tinas' house after dinner for some cake and a little girly girl chit chat!
 Cutting our cake!
 ooops sorry i didn't turn this picture
Tina being silly! 
Tina, Margie and I stayed up at her place until 4 am just talking and catching up. WOW!!! It was a great night all in all even with all the drama. But we pretty much put the drama in the back burner while we had fun. Why would we let little petty things bother us? Especially if it wasn't really anything big to begin with. So small. I'm glad we left it behind. We had such an awesome time. It's so nice to get to talk to my girlfriends. We talked about everything and anything. Why not? We don't get to do this at all so it was nice to do it. 
I'm so glad i have these girls as friends. They've made my life a little easier here in Cleveland without my best friends back home. Although i love and miss my best friend dearly, at least i have these great girls who have stolen my heart too! They are a part of me now.......My familia!  ( did i spell that right? I thought it would be a good add on to our Mexican food adventure!) 

I wrote this a year ago and i think it serves well with this story. This says it all:

 It's sad to say but we take so many things for granted. We might say the wrong things to which we never mean to say. But it's ok, it's part of being human. We do have to say "I'm sorry", admit we are wrong sometimes and forgive and forget. Life is too short to let things get in the way. We should cherish the people who are dear to us no matter how tough things are. If we can't rely on each other then who can we?
I'd like my friends to know that each and every one of you mean a lot to me. I might not show it much or say it much but you are important. I would not intentionally try to hurt any one of you and if i do please know it was never meant to be.
We have our moments and we work through them. Please remember to listen to what each and every one of you say to each other and also think of it. The things you hear might not be what you interpret it to be. We learn and grow with each other and respect each other. We might not see eye to eye but that's what makes us unique and that's why we love each other. We should try to never take things so seriously and if we do, we should always be able to laugh about it later. Leave little pesky problems behind and build a better friendship. Life is just short for us to turn our backs on each other. Lets not blame each other. It's not "she was wrong" or "I'm right." It's "lets work this out". No one is wrong or right and we have to believe that. We can't give credit to ourselves all the time, we sometimes have to admit fault. Tomorrow is another day and it should always be a "better day".

Don't hold arguments in and hold grudges, that only tears us down and apart. Instead remember what made us friends in the first place.

1 comment:

Emily said...

How fun! Looks like you have some sweet girlfriends :)