Wednesday, February 24, 2010

funny kids

Do you have those days where your kids just say the darnedest things? Or they say things that you just really wish they didn't? I have a lot of those days! As my kids get older, they get a little more "wiser" is the word. Either way, I think that's what makes my life so exciting and interesting, I think. You just never know what your kids will say, and when they'll say it! 

Nilun: "mom can I wear your boots outside? I don't want to get my shoe dirty"
Mom: "sure you can"
Nilun: "ahhh mom, your boots are small. Just look at them (putting my boots up to his foot to show me). Just look mom, my foot bigger than yours!"
Mom: (laughing) "yeah, and? What is your point?"
Nilun: (laughing) "mom, look! You have small feet, that's what! No wonder why your parents call you Noy, because everything about you is small!"

 Okay....yeah...thanks Nilun! For those that don't know, Noy in Lao means small! Get it now? Ha ha ha go ahead a laugh!  Oh and yes, Naree was also laughing along with her brother AND she said "good one Nilun." 

Another example:
Nilun: (standing behind me at the cash register at the grocery store) "mom look!". 
Me: "yes what?"
Nilun: (slapping my under arm) "look mom, your arms are so flabby! Look at them jiggle!"
Me: (looking pretty mortified) "Nilun stop, yeah I know it's flabby!"

I was wearing a tank top that day! To this day he still does that sometimes. Which only reminds me to start exercising again, especially my arms! I even went out and bought a dumb bell to use while I watch TV. Yes it only lasted for like.... a week! 
I'm telling you, your kids will definitely be the ones to remind you of EVERYTHING!
Or the time Naree farted in the store and said out loud "oops mommy I farted! And it stinks!" 
So from then on, I told them, if they need to say that they farted, want to poop or pee, or anything to that extent, or want to say something about someone.... I told them to say it in Lao. So no one will understand what they are saying! I've got plenty of looks from strangers!  So our second language thing comes in handy some times!

So what have your kids said lately? Kids are very honest people! The honest people I know! Trust me, my kids will tell me exactly how I look like in the morning or any time of the day! 

Don't you just love them?!!!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

That is funny! My kids say the most mortifying things in public...that second language thing would come in handy!