Saturday, February 6, 2010

Banh Cuon

A few days ago I had a craving for Banh Cuon ( so I decided that it would be my next recipe to try. I've had it plenty of times at Lao parties so I figured it didn't look too hard to do. Boy was I wrong!!!!
Let me just warn you, that's if you ever try to make it yourself. Give plenty of time to make this dish and make sure your children will be preoccupied with for a few at least an hour or half an hour. Trust me with this. Unless you will attempt this when they are not home. Good thing my kids are a little older and they have things to do rather than watch me cook it. I usually let them help with new recipes but this is an exception. 
In the end it was very good though. Turned out pretty sister will agree too since she stayed to have some. Next time I try to make it...well it'll probably be a VERY LONG time. Not because it's not good, it is good. But because the process just takes too long. But I'm sure I'll make it again. I like eating it and the ones they sell at the store is not that good and by the time I get to the store and buy it, it's probably been at least a day old and it doesn't taste that great after that.

This is what you'll need to make the layer. Should be able to find it at any local Asian store.

Dried Fungus mushroom! I love this mushroom, texture is good. Be sure you soak these in water for a few hours until they get soft. Put them aside until you are ready to cook the pork. I like to stir fry it with my meat too! You can actually use this with everything.

This is what you will need to make the rice layer. All it is is a cloth (i used an old pillow cover--don't worry I washed it really good--since I didn't have any cheese cloth around) I just tied it around a pot, any pot will do.

First thing first. You will need to get the ingredients together. I first started with putting the pork together. 
You have to cook the pork (as much as you want since you will be putting it on the inside of the layer). Add the dried Fungus.
I used one stack of ground pork I bought from the store.
I added salt (again people I don't know how to do recipes so bare with me, I'll try) lets say about 2 shakes of the salt bottle?! ; )
I added about 2 shakes of garlic salt
2 teaspoon of sugar
             and about 3 shakes of oyster sauce! (shakes meaning you shake it out of the bottle! 
Just add the salt, sugar and oyster sauce according to your taste!

Then you stir them all together. 

When it is cooked and you are ready to put that aside, add chopped green onions. I didn't measure it, it just depends on how much you like green onions. I love green onions so I added a lot.

Put it aside to warm.
Now you do the mix of the powder. The bag actually tells you how to mix!
Ok so here comes the hard part. 
Turn on your stove top. And wait till steam comes out and spread the powder.
The powder should get lighter once it is almost done. I covered it with a lid to help it cook faster. It will be very light and soft once it is ready.
I used a spatula to slowly swoop it out of the cloth. You might need to use your other hand to help out. 
The side that was on the cloth should now be on the top of the plate. Ummm you pretty much just flip it.
Now add another layer to the pot and make sure you spread it to the size you want it to be. 
cover it. And now you are ready to make it.
So on the cooked rice layer, add your meat mix!

When it is on all you have to do now is roll it. If you don't want the meat to fall off you can tuck in the sides but normally you don't have to. It'll work either way.
So when you are done with that one, put it on a dish that is greased, so it doesn't stick. And then go to your next one. And just repeat the steps. 
When everything is done, it should look like this.

Some of mine came out small. It took me a few tries to finally figure out how to get it to a certain size and stuff. I had to throw away a few because it didn't turn out. I even figure out that they were breaking because I did not let it cover for a time. I thought they were going to be overcooked so I took the lid out before and it got all hard and didn't stick together so I had to throw them away. But it wasn't too bad. One mix bag will get you a lot so don't worry and just try it. I have to say it was a long process but well worth trying. At least you can say "I tried to make this". Even if you will never make it again. For me I'll probably try it again, because I don't really want to buy them but you never know. One recipe down....more to go!!!!

My finished product! What cha think? Looks yummy huh? The first few ones came out nice and big. The next few were kinda small and deformed looking. All in all it was a good experience! I had fun...most of the time.. Half of the time I was getting irritated because it was breaking on me. 

This is what it looks like a few seconds before I ate it! It is so yummy with spicy sauce added! The end result is always the best! Lien, Ming and the kids gave me a thumbs up! I'll take that!
Ok now you can wipe that drool from your face and go out and get those ingredients so you can try to make it. If I can do it, anyone can do it!

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Noy that looks so good, next time you make that you have to let me know. I'll bring over a bottle of wine and we can have a cooking party :) Teach me how to cook, because Lord knows I'm not good at it. LOL