Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Jasmine! Feb 12th

I am a little late posting this blog. On February 12th, my niece Jasmine turned 12! Yes 12! Wow, it feels like just yesterday I was wiping her wrinkly butt and putting diapers on her! What can I say about Jasmine? There are so many words to describe Jasmine. I couldn't even know where to begin. She is a wonderful, kind and loving girl. She has grown to be a lovely and cute girl. 

Although at times I feel she is growing way too fast but I know that is how "pre-teens" (what Jasmine would always tell me) are. Kids grow up so fast, sometimes I just want to stop time and have them be little grade school students forever!---or skip to when you walk down that isle! I know, I know that's wishful thinking! 
 We love you Mone! Even though we tease you to no end...that's because we love you silly! ; ) You make our lives a little more interesting with your wackiness and drama like tendencies! Although I wouldn't admit it in front of you, I kinda like you being just the way you are. I say "kinda" because sometimes you are just too strange even for us! Sometimes I tell you to take a chill pill, cuz you know, you do really need it! Ha ha ha...ok ok i won't tease anymore. Admit love it when i do!
 We wouldn't want you to change the way you are, yes, that means even you wearing the neon pink, purple skinny jeans with your blue t-shirt! Lets not get into that! We love you either way. I love that you are not afraid of fashion. I love that you are a great listener even if sometimes you don't want to listen, but I know you are. I know I can depend on you when I ask you to do something for me....ok I know, I make you do it. But hey that's what aunties are for. You didn't know that? 
 I know you are a good person, in and out. You are beautiful, don't ever forget that. Remember to always be who you are, and not what others want you to be. No one will love you more than your family! Remember sometimes it might seem like the world is crumbling down on you (and trust me, it will happen some time in your life-that's reality) but you should know that your family is and will always be there/here for you. Don't be afraid to ask for help or ask for advice. No one gives you better advice than your family. Friends will come and go. It'll take you years to finally know who is your "best" friend. But remember that when you find them, remember to always respect them, but demand respect from them too. 
 I know sometimes I talk too much......ok I NAG YOU too much, but that's only because I love you and want the best for you. I'm sure your mom will agree. Always remember to hug your mom more often and tell her you love her.....oh and in case you are wondering...don't hug me! I don't want your crazy Lady Gaga loving, pink skinny jeans wearing cooties all over me! ; )
 Oh of course I can't forget. Your uncle and your cousins love you dearly. Even though they also tease you to no end, they all secretly love you. It's our way of showing you some love...what you don't want it? Well that's too bad, you got no choice! 
Well what I want to say is Happy Birthday! We all love you. We are grateful to have you in our family (yes even if you are wacko...what? Well you are! Believe us we see it in you) Oh and one more thing.......I still think your mom need to put you in a mental institute cuz YOU PEE BAH!!!!! 
We love you!  
Look at the little alien!!!!

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