Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Time Machine

(aren't they the picture of perfection? Ok so i might be a little biased but i'm sure lots will agree with me.. I made some beautiful looking kiddos! this one picture has to be atleast 4 years old)

Don't you just wish that sometimes you could jump into a time machine and go back to when your children were smaller? I sometimes wish i could. Looking at old pictures really brings back memories. Memories of the good ole' days, or in some cases the bad ole' days. But they were still memories of our lives. Sometimes i wonder what life would be like if this hadn't happen or that hadn't happen. What if i hadn't gotten married? What if we didn't get pregnant right away? I could go on. But come to think of it, i really don't care anymore. I'm glad at where we are right now. So what if we can't do what we use to do. Just pick up and go where ever we want without worrying. So what if we can't afford a few of the things we use to. Ok so we wish we could still have more money, but oh well. Nothing more we can do about that. All we can do is look forward and hope for a better and brighter future.
I'm grateful for the things i have now and the people i have in my life. They are what makes my world spin. So thank you God for bringing them into my life.
This post isn't posted for any reason except for venting and expressing a few things. And maybe sharing some old photos. Maybe it's to help me remember why i love this life that i have and why i should always be thankful.

She is such a jokester! This kid is always up to something. And she still has time to be a girly girl too!
awww! look at these soccer stars! This is from 07-08 season. Aww i miss those days....please time machine, don't go so fast!
We just can't wait for this to start up again. Come on sun...shine. We'd like to get out to our so called "beach" and start playing again. It's time to put away the sweaters and hoodies. This is shorts and tanks season, come on now get with the program! ; ) So so you all know, we've never been to a real beach so this is as close as we get to a beach. It's actually Lake Erie!
Ok this is not an old picture. It was taken about 3 weeks ago....not totally old. But this is what happens when my little girly girl becomes the goofy jokester Naree! Poor Yuki. He gave up fighting her. Oh and yes that is her dress his wearing.

Time does fly by so quick! Don't waste another minute thinking of the what ifs'. Go live your life and be thankful for each and every minute you get.

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