Monday, May 10, 2010

monkeying around, soccer and some derby!

On Friday Naree had a friend over.. Now it might not seem so interesting but for Naree it really is. This is the first year she's been able to invite a friend over to play after school! So you can imagine her excitement! They played outside and decided to climb my tree! Such little monkeys! ; ) They watch Sleep Over for the 100th time, i think!..or more

On Saturday Naree had a game. Yes it was freezing cold but they still played. I was sitting out there on the bleachers freezing my butt off and to add insult to injury (so to say) it started to rain and the wind started to pick up! It was not a good day. During 2nd quarter the goalie from the other team disappeared! Like for real. She just decided to pick up and go. When Narees' team mate tried to make a goal, the ref blew the whistle because there was no goalie...all the parents and players were like "where's the goalie?". Naree's coach yelled to the other coach "where's your goalie?". Other coach didn't even know where his goalie was! Turns out she was cold and she decided she had had enough of it! So she went to her mom and was ready to go home! How is that for being a DIVA! So sorry to have taken your time! (insert scarcasm here). I really feel her pain but really? just walk out on your team like that? If i were her wait lets not go there.
Naree is the green jersey #2
On the good note, Naree's team won 4-0!!! Naree made a goal!....but they did cancell the game anyways....the rain was coming down hard and it was too cold! Oh well still a good game, it will be rescheduled!

Also on Saturday the church had a derby! It was pretty cool to see the cars and chit chat with friends. I think Lien and Mike went kinda too fancy on there car! It was way too fast for the track. Can't blame them, they didn't know that the track would be curved! But overall it was a pretty good idea. The kids enjoyed watching all the cars and playing around. I felt kinda bad though, because the little baby girl there cried every time Mike and Lien launched their car! It was really loud! I think they will be doing it again next year!
Lien checking out the track....the car kept on flipping every time it hit the curve!
had a do a few minor repairs to the car
here we go!
The contestants! Winner was Aaron Lewis!

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