Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day

For Mothers' Day we didn't do much. We went to church and the young womans gave us flowers and cake. We went to my moms' after church to spend some time with her! Naree made me a cute bookmark from school and she made me this cute little dessert. I wish i had taken a picture of it. It was 2 Herseys chocolate, vanilla frosting inside of the two herserys and she cut up pieces of strawberry to scattered them all over the chocolate. And then she topped it with sugar. It was so cute and yummy too!
Here's to all the mommies out there! Withouth us mommies the world wouldn't go round....Sure men can live without us, but they definately wouldn't survive!

I feel so blessed to be blessed with such a wonderful mother. A mother who cares so much about us. In this life time i don't think i could ever repay her for my life, this wonderful life she has given me!

Dear Mom,
Thank you for being so selfless in all that you do!
Thank you for every struggle you've been through to put us where we are today!
Thank you for making me go with you everyday to pick up those boxes in the alley so we could sell them to get money. (i'm sorry i wasn't much help though, cuz i was so shy. when some one would walk by or drive by i would drop everything and i wish i hadn't)
Thank you mom for not allowing me to go anywhere. I know i didn't like it at the time but now i understand why. You only wanted to keep me safe from the cruel world. And you are right, it is a cruel world out here.
Thank you for all the things you've taught us...all the things you've tried to teach us. It may seem like we weren't listening but in reality we were. And i'm so glad that we did!
Thank you for waking up every single day even on the days that you were sick to go to work so that we may have food on the table and cloths to wear.
Thank you for being such a strong and hard working mother. You worked two jobs for so many years so that we may have things girls should have! You sacraficed so much for us and for that we are eternally grateful!
Thank you for being the kind of mother i want to be! You are such an inspiration to me!
Thank you for all the life lessons you've instilled upon me, i hope i can be such a woman as you!

There are so many things i am grateful for having you as my mom....i wouldn't be able to put it all in writing. All i want to say is THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU!
Without you i'd be lost! I've learned so much from you and i continue learning from you! You are my inspiration.
You were never selfish! You always tried your best to teach us and to guide us. I'm sorry if i've ever disapponited you! I didn't mean to! Today is Mother's Day but to me, every day is Mothers' day! Because every day i love you more!
I love you!

Now that I'm a mother myself! I'd like to be the kind of mother my mom was. Always so nurturing! I vow to strive to be my best for us guys. I hope i am and will be a mom to the best of me! I love you very much and i'm so glad that you are my kids! I love You!


Emily said...

I tried ot post a comment on the first post but It wouldn't let me. I'm glad you had a good mother's deserve it! And I am glad to hear your daughter is okay, that is scary! I am in the middle of the lankorn (sp?) you wanted me to watch..I will let you know how I liked it when I am done!

Noy said...

Thanks Emily! Oh and that's my niece in the hospital. She is kinda like my daughter!
Ok let me know.
It's not a lakorn. Lakorns are like a series, it takes many episodes to end. The one i have you watching is a movie! A great one too. Enjoy!