Saturday, January 15, 2011

snow fun and one hidding princess

The other day we were taking down the Christmas tree.
We were about to put the tree back in its' box and this is what we found.............sneaky little princess isn't she?

And since we're on the subject of Christmas trees and winter.........We finally got our big snow for the year! YAY!!!
I had bought the kids each a snow suite so they were really excited to get to actually wear it because we were this close {pinching in fingers}to taking it back because we were getting hopeless.
So the kids got on their gears and headed out.........They had a ton of fun and well i did too....taking pictures of them.
So here are just some to entertain you with. I love these rugrats!

1 comment:

Anza said...

Your pictures are simply amazing. I wish I could take pictures half as good. Looks like you all had a lot of fun!