Wednesday, January 5, 2011

10th birthday!

My baby is no longer a baby...........literally! She is now 10! Wow where did the years go? Seriously didn't she just pop out of me? : ) lol
Naree has grown to be a beautiful lady{well not that she wasn't before- but you know what i mean!}. I remember just yesterday that she was just in kindergarten. How I miss those days when I can just pick her up and give her tons and tons of kisses. Now a days I can't really pick her up....she's getting a little too heavy. Wait? Or is it just me getting old? Lets not talk about that right now.

We love this little lady. We love that you love to help me with the cooking. We love that you are always willing to try new food {i think daddy loves that the most} We love that you are always singing, although it gets annoying at times. We love that you always try your best with everything you do especially in soccer. We love how you just love to help out, with anything!.....thank you baby!
We love that you are always thoughtful with your Christmas gifts! You are so crafty! And i can't forget 'fashionable' too. You remind me all the time if i don't look good...........thanks babe, can't get anything pass you!
 Best of all, we love you for being so unique and being YOU! I love that you are my daughter. How did we get so lucky?
I hope you'll never change........for anyone. I hope you stay the unique you for always.
We love you sweetie and are so grateful to have such a wonderful and caring daughter!
Baby baby oohh! Bieber fever!
A princess needs her many tiaras!

For your birthday this year we gave you the option of having a party or just going to build-a-bear and a movie. You picked the latter and to be honest we are glad. A party gets a little expensive. See what i mean? You are always thoughtful and helping. Like i said, we are lucky!
"Dad, do girls poop from their vaginas?" Pretty hilarious movie.......good pick Naree!

Happy birthday! We love you!


Kristen said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

What a happy family! :)

Noy said...

thanks Judy! We do try! ;)