Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No more wallpaper!

Well it's been way long overdue. {2 years to be exact!} That's mainly my fault. I kept on saying "I'm going to do it" and then just never get to. Or maybe i was just a little scared to start this project. Because it really looked like a HUGE project.
Tearing wallpaper is a big ordeal to me. I'd rather paint, or say, put make-up on dead people - rather than tear out wallpaper. :)
To make it worst my sister-in-law - who used to live with us and stayed in this room - decided it'd be so fun to make my work more miserable one day and put wallpaper on top of each other. So there is like 2 layers of wallpaper on some and some are just one layer. What? I don't know, don't ask me. I'm just the in-law!
I should have taken a 'before' picture but didn't think of it at the time. This is as close as you get to picturing what it looked like before. A lot of wallpaper and A LOT of flowers. It wasn't all just one pattern, it was 3 patterns all together.
I just i had to put my butt into gear. Lien's nephew is getting married in like literally like 3 weeks! Yikes.........I'm such a procrastinator! BIG TIME!
So now I'm scrambling...like always. What's new?
Good thing when i finally decided to get my butt into gear, it was Spring Break and the kids were home. So yes, i did what any mother would do - put my child to work. Hey you know it's not called 'child labor' if they are working on their rooms! It's called...hmmm....it's called 'helping'!
Besides what else could they have done? It rained most of the week. Plus we got 2 more extra help one day. Thanks to some friends who came over.
One side all cleared!
 So room is almost done! Wallpaper is almost gone. Kids are back in school. So now i can finally get my work done and not have kids getting in my way.....geeesh these kids. Always in my way. Don't they know I have work to do? :) j/k

I can't wait to paint the room. {first i have to sand down some of the old paint that chipped when i took out wallpaper....bummer!}
This room used to be our room back when Nilun was younger. Then we moved downstairs when i had Naree - more room/space. We moved up and down a few more times. I know...CRAZY RIGHT? Now it is Naree's room! It is the biggest room in the house! She wants it purple! And she wants wood floors so lets hope that our floor is still looking good when the carpet comes out.

Big project. And it must be done in 2 1/2 weeks! Plus my hallway too. Repaint and carpet is coming out. I'm making myself do this on my own, so lets see if i can. This might just be what i need to get my butt into gear! A deadline!

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