Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Walk for Breast Cancer

A few weeks ago a few friends of mine and I did the Walk for Cancer. I was a little nervous about doing it, because well - it was to be 5 miles and i hadn't exercise or wasn't even active for years. So i was a little hesitant but i'm glad i did it. It turned out to be only 3 miles! Yay!!!

And it was really fun... I wasn't even tired at all. I still got it in  me! lol
After our walk we headed out to lunch and it totally had slipped my mind that they had the Asian Festival going on downtown too. So after lunch we walked around the festival a bit, wheeling and dealing with a few merchants....Yep that's how us Asians do it. :)
It was fun to spend some time with dear friends....especially eating and shopping!
Got home and took Naree to our town's carnival. I know, i did a lot of walking that day, but i had a blast. And to be honest it wasn't even that bad. My feet hurt a bit later when i was ready to go to bed but not as bad as i had thought it would be.
Yep it proves it...... I STILL GOT IT IN ME! Now who says I'm an old lady? lol

We saw this guy and had to stop to take pictures with him. :)
Yay Tina you made it! This girl is a tough cookie. She wasn't feeling well that day, shes actually wasn't feeling well for a few days prior to that but she still went AND finished the walk. Okay so she cheated and cut through a street but she wasn't feeling good. We'll give her that excuse! lol

What a fun and great way to spend the day with some friends!

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