Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Makes me smile.........

This little chunky monkey makes me smile...........
Every day
Every minute
Every hour

We just can't get enough of her
dirty, stinky, wet diapers......
crying, and blank stares and all..........

We love you little chunky monkey!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


February 11th, 2012
We lost a truly wonderful woman. She was a great mother, daughter, sister, aunt and mother-in-law.
We are sorry and sadden to see her go, but we know God had better plans for her. She lived a wonderful and full life. She lived her life just the way she had always wanted....tending to her farm. She loved her farm. We will forever remember the times we have/had with her.

My mother-in-law was a good woman. The years that she lived with us will forever be in my memories. I will remember everything that you've taught me.
Thank you for everything that you've done for me. Thank you for taking care of my kids for me when i needed it, although you lived with us.
Thank you for raising such a wonderful son who became my husband. You did well!
Thank you for teaching me how to cook when i first moved in...
Thank you for cooking all those delicious food for us.
I have many things to thank you for....
But most of all I'd like to thank you for being in our lives.
We truly were blessed to have known you.

I hope that one day i could be as great of a woman as she was. She and my mother are the two woman whom i'd love to be more like!
It has been a rough road for us....dealing with the birth of our daughter and a week later dealing with her death. It has been a difficult time for all of us.
She was fighting for the longest time. Although i hate to see her go, but it was her time and she isn't suffering anymore.
The only thing i'm sad about is that she didn't get to hold Nalin before she left.
When i was in the hospital giving birth to Nalin, my mother-in-law had already been in the hospital for over 2 weeks. The day i gave birth, she was transferred down to ICU...she had gotten worst.
The only good thing was that it was at the same hospital so it was easy for Lien to stay with me and visit his mom whenever he wanted to. She was on the 3rd floor while i was on the 2nd floor.
She got to see pictures of Nalin but never had the chance to hold her.
And now my daughter will not have the chance to get to know her grandma....
I will try to keep her memory in our lives forever. I will tell Nalin of her grandmother.

It's hard to say what i want to say....i have so much to say but i'm at a lost for words. I want to say more but this is all that's coming out.
I know she is in a better place now.

Now we must pick up our lives and live on. We will keep her in our memories and heart forever.....